Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another sad story

Today is April 29. at 6 pm, my friend, Asikin sent me a sms and told me "takziah" but i dont know what she mean. I think something bad happen in my hometown. So, i called my dad as quick as possible. I was very suprise bacause my dad told me that my grandmother died this afternoon at 3 pm. He did not tell me about it because he think that i will sad but I'm really sad..!! but i know, everything happen very quick and I can't do anything about it. I dont know what to do and i just give it to Allah. What I learn today is 'From God We Came, To God We Go'..!!

1 comment:

  1. innalillah wainnalillahiroo jiuunn .. turut berduka cita.
